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The trend charts provide a birds eye view of the health of your search. You can view searches over time and their click-through rate, showing how well your search is performing. Additionally you can identify the most popular queries.
These two charts are the best high level indication of the health of your search.
Searches over time show you how often your users use the search. You will find that this graph moves relative to the overall usage of your site or app. Therefore it is also a good indicator for overall traffic. If the overall usage of your search is lower than you would expect, you might want to consider making improvements to your search experience. A few questions to ask:
Is the search easy to find?
Does the search work as expected?
Does it help users find what they are looking for?
The Click-through rate indicates whether a users search has been successful. If no useful results are shown, the user will not click through.
The Top searches table lists the most popular search terms. Aside from the number of times a term was searched, the list also shows the CTR for each specific term, indicating how well they perform. It is important to consider the number of searches made when looking at the CTR. The higher the number of searches, the more reliable the CTR data will be.
Using this report, you can see where your content might need to be improved or changed to meet your users' needs. It's best to start with queries that have a high search volume but a low CTR. Improving those will have the most impact. You can re-order the report by the number of searches or CTRs by clicking on the column heading.
The filter bar at the top allows you to break down reports in a number of ways:
Pipeline, breaks down the data for different pipelines, allowing you to compare how different search configurations perform
Date, shows the report for a specific time period, allowing you to see changes over time
View by, groups the results by day, week or month. This is useful when looking at data over a longer period of time. Any reports over a period longer than 90 days will automatically be grouped by week.
Most reports can be exported as CSV files to be used in a spreadsheet or reporting tool of your choice. Simply click the Export to CSV link to download the data.